“In the Summer 2014, as I graduated from university, I took up an internship at HHUGS. At first, I was worried about how the internship would affect my Ramadan – being in the office, full time, seemed somewhat daunting. However, when I started, much to my surprise, I found myself being more productive than ever before, in terms of my ibadah. I felt as if Allah was placing buckets of barakah in my time! The staff were really friendly, always willing to help and they welcomed me with open arms. My Manager gave me a variety of different tasks, which kept me engaged, and, by the end of the three months, I had vastly improved my skill set. My heart is now so attached to HHUGS, I can’t imagine my life without it! Don’t miss out, it really is a life changing experience!”
Intern A was offered a full time position at HHUGS given her exceptional performance during her 3 month internship.
“After graduating from university, I had a lot of time on my hands. I tried to utilise my time productively, but it didn't seem to be happening. It was only when I gave up looking for a job, when I stumbled across the HHUGS internship position online. This was very much the last application I was going to fill out as I had given up at this point. I really wanted to help those in need and I felt instantly attached to the cause. My first day was very nerve racking, but despite my anxiety and being an intern, I was quickly made to feel very much a part of the team. The training that was provided instantly made me feel at ease. I was given a variety of tasks; however, I always had support on hand. Being given responsibility really helped me to develop and feel valued. During my internship, I was involved in the organisation of a significant event, the charity's 10 year anniversary dinner. Being involved in the event, from the earliest stages to delivery on the night, really did strengthen me, as an individual. Knowing all my hard work and dedication was not only to please Allah swt but was also relieving families from their stresses and burdens was the ultimate satisfaction. My time at HHUGS felt like the embodiment of the hadith: “A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim He neither oppresses him nor humiliates him nor looks down upon him.”[Muslim]
HHUGS have made me feel part of a family. The team – whether staff, board members and trustees – are all approachable and very helpful, and working with keyworkers and volunteers is great fun. Four months on, I'd never change or would never regret the choice I made.”
At the end of the internship, Intern C's infectious passion and enthusiasm led to an offer of a full time position at HHUGS.
“Joining HHUGS as an intern was an experience that allowed me to grow, both personally and professionally as I was put into positions that I'd never been in before and given a chance to develop and challenge myself. I used to not particularly like making phone calls to strangers – I would get nervous just at the thought of it and would always try to put it off – however, in my first week, I had made an astounding 50 calls in a mere 2 days. Now, I eagerly look forward to tasks which involve a lot of phone communication. Over the next 6 months I took part in helping to organise the 10 Years of HHUGS anniversary dinner at the Hilton, the sponsored Winter Walk in Hyde Park and the charity's first Ben Nevis fundraising challenge, with support from other members of the team, every step of the way. While the aforementioned projects were undoubtedly hard work, the sense of achievement you feel when you begin to see the donations pouring in, cannot be matched. You see your hard work paying off before your eyes.
Of course, it can be challenging, at times – daunting even, but it is certainly worth it. Knowing the cause and knowing who you are working for, is reason enough to go out and push yourself beyond your limits. Knowing that you are playing your part to change the lives of HHUGS’ families – there are not many causes greater.”
Intern D demonstrated exceptional dedication and hard work in a 6 month internship, far above and beyond what was expected, leading to the offer of full time position in the Charity.
To learn more about the Voluntary Administration Internship role, click here
To apply for this position please send your CV, cover letter and two referees to [email protected] and reference ‘Intern Application’.