Your zakah calculation is complete!
Use our step by step calculator to help you to determine how much zakah is due on your wealth.
Please select any of the options below which you think are applicable. If you are unsure whether it applies
to you, select the option and you can read more information on the following pages to help clarify.
Enter the total amount of cash you possess, in your bank account and what you have in hand. Remember to
include all sources such as your salary, welfare benefits, savings, rental income, support from a family member.
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Zakah is due on specific assets in a fund, where you have a defined contribution pension scheme. If you are
unsure which assets are in the fund, choose the pension type from the dropdown menu, enter the total value
of your pension, and our calculator will work out the amount due.
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Most scholars are of the view that if you have loaned money to someone, you need to pay zakah on this amount,
if you are expecting that they will repay you. Similarly, if you are awaiting payment for any items you have
sold, you should include the expected payment below.
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If you have an ISAs or a Child Trust Fund, enter the full value of your investment below.
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Scholars differ over whether zakah is to be paid on gold and silver jewellery prepared to be worn as an adornment.
The majority of Malikis, Shafi’is and Hanbalis are of the view that it is not obligatory to pay zakah on it.
Hanafis do consider this to be obligatory. All scholars agree that if gold and silver are kept for investment
purposes, that you should pay zakah on it.
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Enter the value of any cryptocurrencies you own in pounds.
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Please enter the current market value of any stocks and shares that you own.
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Business assets include cash, receivables (money owed to the business) and stock. For any stock, please enter
the value of its retail price. If you have purchased a property solely If you have bought property with the
intention to resell and generate income, then please enter the estimated current value of your equity in the property.
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For your liabilities, if you have any bills are overdue or due at the present time, enter their total value.
If applicable, please enter up to a year's worth of repayments for any long term debts, such as mortgages.
For businesses, any tax liabilities in relation to a prior financial year that are still to be paid can also
be deducted.
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