Important Update on HHUGS’ transition and recent changes

Dear HHUGS Community Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, As we move toward our 20th anniversary, we want to update you on important changes at HHUGS. Because of your efforts we have managed to help over 2300 beneficiaries in need across the UK. Today...

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Listen up and listen good

Listen up and listen good

You may know someone who’s a great listener. They make you feel heard and give you their full attention. They’re hard to come by, especially in the world we live in today. Everyone is occupied with one thing or another; even whilst you’re having a conversation,...

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Come together to climb together

Come together to climb together

Embodying Unity on Ashura Ashura is the 10th day of Muharram, and falls in the sacred month of Allah.  It is one of the most important days in the Islamic calendar, on which miracles were performed by Allah such as the parting of the Red Sea for Musa (as) and...

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Ashura: Drawing Inspiration from the Legacy of the Prophets

Ashura: Drawing Inspiration from the Legacy of the Prophets

There are days which hold more significance and virtue than others. One such day falls on the 10th of Muharram. Ashura is one of the most important days in the Islamic calendar. Although many of us may be aware of the importance of fasting on this day to follow the...

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Lessons from Four Examples for Mankind on Ashura

Lessons from Four Examples for Mankind on Ashura

The Day of Ashura falls on the 10th of Muharram. It is one of the most important days in the Islamic calendar.  Many of us may know the importance of fasting on Ashura; however, this day holds far more significance that we are aware of.  A number of great...

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Get to Know Allah in the Month of Muharram

Get to Know Allah in the Month of Muharram

The Month of Muharram, described by the Prophet (SAW) as “the month of Allah”, is upon us. Join us in reflecting on ten of His Beautiful Names; an opportunity to delve deeper on their meanings and to grow closer to Him, but also to strive to emulate what we can of these attributes in our lives in these sacred days.

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New Beginnings: The Month of Muharram

New Beginnings: The Month of Muharram

Throughout our lives, we search for new beginnings, chances to restart and reinvent. We work hard to broaden our horizons, and seize opportunities which we know will benefit us.  As Muslims, we need not look any further. We have been gifted this, once again, through the arrival of a sacred month filled with opportunity and virtue: the month of Muharram.

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Roundabout Redbridge – Scouts’ Sponsored Walk

Roundabout Redbridge – Scouts’ Sponsored Walk

In early June, the 7th Goodmayes Scouts group came together for a unique charity walk to support HHUGS. The walk took place on a Saturday morning and was based in and around Redbridge. It began at the Gardens of Peace Cemetery and went along to the local Masajid...

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Eid Mubarak from HHUGS!

Eid Mubarak from HHUGS!

Eid Mubarak! TaqabalAllahu minna wa minkum! On behalf of our beneficiaries, trustees, staff and volunteers at HHUGS, we hope you have a memorable day with your loved ones.  We pray that Allah accepts your sacrifice, fasting, charity, and worship during the...

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