I hope you are well and in the best of eeman InnShaaAllah :')
Did you support me for BoxHill? What about Virginia Waters? Thank you!! Guess what?! I enjoyed it so much that I’ve signed up for another trek and I hope you will motivate me by supporting me here too!
This winter, I will be trekking 5 miles in stones and mud as part of HHUGS winter appeal. Please sponsor me to save a child from sleeping in the cold.
I need your support to raise as much as possible to keep the homes of HHUGS families warm this Winter.
In the best season for the believer, will you join me in reaping the booty of winter to the fullest?
Fuel poverty is blighting 2.5 million households in the UK, 50% of which have primary breadwinners in work. Among them are HHUGS families: single mothers, children without fathers, and elderly parents of sons in detention. These families have been isolated from their communities when they are most vulnerable and desperate. Now with the onset of winter colds, they will be fighting hypothermia, exposure and sickness, on top of everything else.
This winter, I can’t rest easy turning up our thermostats in the knowledge that a home without a father or son is stone cold. Can you?
Any amount you can give will help greatly to achieve my target InnShaaAllah!
Together, we can give Warm HHUGS to those who need it most.
JazaakumAllahu Khayr & Thank You So Much
Salma :)
Last donation was 3yrs 3mos ago
Umm Faris
£20.00+ £5.00 GiftAid
I’m so humbled by this dear Zara - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
So blessed to have your support - such a generous soul may Allah grant you more - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
May Allah ease the ummah’s worries
Ameen! And may Allah accept the huge I egu on behind this beautiful donation - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Will be cheering you on from home!
Yay! If you’re like me then I will be able to hear your support from Wales!! JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Honoured. Humbled. Almost in tears. Much love xx JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£20.00+ £5.00 GiftAid
Thank you for your support! May Allah accept it from both of us! JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Ma sha Allah Salma may Allah except all your efforts. You inspire me...Love Hassans ummi Xx
Dear Khadija, so touched by your ongoing support - may Allah increase you in all good - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Ma sha Allah Salma, keep up the great work, you inspire me!!. Xx
Much love 💕 I don’t know about inspiring but so pleased to have your support - who are you again 😅? JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
May Allah give you JOY to match that you have given me and the beneficiaries of your beautiful donation x JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£10.00+ £2.50 GiftAid
You've got this!!!
I hope so! As the date draws closer I don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into! JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
May Allah accept it from you and us. You’re our dear Mamoni
😭😭😭 Its always the ones who are blessed by Allah that keep on giving- JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Whoop! Amazing - may Allah put barakah in your wealth and allow you to continue giving 😊JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
#cayley - this means so much! JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
What’s the hashtag anonymous?! I’m honoured you’ve chosen this cause for Friday giving - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£100.00+ £25.00 GiftAid
You go girl!! May Allah reward you immensely. Ameen 😘
😭 you chose me and this cause - may Allah put barakah in all aspects of your life and wealth - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Nazmin Razzaque
Again! May Allah allow you to continue to give and give and give - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£5.00+ £1.25 GiftAid
Thank you for believing in me, motivating me and helping the cause - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Nazmin Razzaque
Well done Sis. May Allah swt accept it from you and us . Ameen 😊
You’re an inspiration dear sis, I’ve got to get me all of your gadgets! JazakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Well done sis
Anonymous! Allah Knows and Sees you! It means so much - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
You got this sis!
You’re one of my consistent supporters Allahumma baarik, much love and dua’s to you x JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Hudhayfah, Ubaydah and Layla
Rooting for you all the way Aunty Salma! Allah accept it from you and us. Ameen x
Aww 😭 - may Allah keep you on siraatul mustaqeem always with righteous company to match - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Thank you so very much for choosing this cause to donate to - I truly appreciate it! JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
May Allah accept it from us ameen
Jaw drop!! I am truly speechless and close to fainting. May Allah give you more so you can give more. JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£50.00+ £12.50 GiftAid
🤩 way to go in kicking off the reward fest! I’m humbled beyond comprehension - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.