120 days without Dessert... (Save me!)

Cho Ahmed
£1,195 raised of £1,000 target

I have decided to the most craziest of things to do in my life and that's... Giving up dessert for 120 days 🥺😭

I spent two weeks going back and forth with myself and wondering if I should or shouldn't. In the end many people messaged to say they'll sponsor me if I go ahead with it 🥺 (why would you guys do such a thing?!)

Anyway my challenge will be from 9th November to 9th March 😭

Before and after you donate, please make du'a for this miskeen soul. Please. Just for the strength to get through it. Someone said this is jihad LOL 😂😭. It really is SubhanAllah

But I pray this sacrifice gives 10 families ease this whole winter InnShaaAllah and that's the main reason why I'm doing it. InnShaaAllah it'll be accepted from Allah ❤️🤲🏻

This appeal will be £300 x 10 = £3,000 to support 10 families

Please do give deep and give generously and what you can... Ahem, y'all better sponsor me NGL (not gonna lie) it'll be deep if you don't so bismillaaaaaaah... 👇🏻

Fuel poverty is blighting 2.5 million households in the UK, 50% of which have primary breadwinners in work. Among them are HHUGS families: single mothers, children without fathers, and elderly parents of sons in detention. These families have been isolated from their communities when they are most vulnerable and desperate. Most have minimal income, and have likely had their assets confiscated. Burdened by debts and harassed by bailiffs, they struggle to survive on the bare minimum throughout the year. Now with the onset of winter colds, they will be fighting hypothermia, exposure and sickness, on top of everything else.

This winter, we can’t rest easy turning up our thermostats in the knowledge that a home without a father or son is stone cold. Can you?

Help us Revive the Tradition of ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab

 Did you know that when the Levant was conquered during his Caliphate, ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) worried that the Companions of the Prophet (saw) and others who’d never previously experienced such cold as the winters of that region, would be harmed by it? He sent word to its inhabitants, advising them to protect themselves:

 Indeed winter has appeared, and it is an enemy, so prepare for it with wool, khuffs and socks; and take wool as your outer and inner garment, because the cold is a fast-moving enemy and slow to leave the body.’ [‘Umar ibn al-Khattab]

As the cold months approach, join us to revive the tradition of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab and other great leaders of our Islamic tradition; leaders who fretted for the wellbeing of the Ummah in the farthest reaches of Muslim lands. Leaders who removed their garments upon hearing of the plight of widows and orphans in destitution, and refused to clothe themselves until the needy had been fed and clothed first.

Safwan bin Salim went out on a cold night in Madinah near the mosque, and he saw a man with little clothing on. So, he took off his coat and covered him up with it. Someone living in the Levant saw in a dream that Safwan bin Salim had entered Paradise with a shirt he had made. So he went to Madinah and said: “Show me where Safwan is.” When he found him, he told him of the dream.  [Lataa’if al-Ma’aarif]

The spiritual opportunities of this season are manifold: Its long nights are ideal for supererogatory worship, and its short days make nafl fasts easy. With all this comes the added opportunity for charity –the chance to relieve another from the hardships of surviving the cold. Will you join us as we reap the booty of winter to the fullest?
NB: everyone has suggested I do a day where I get to have a cheat day each month as they know how crazy this is for me. I may or may not do this at the end of every month for the next 4 months. Either way, one cheat day a month or not, it's still the hardest thing I'm doing 🥺. I don't even want a cheat day but let's see how it goes
Last donation was 4yrs 2w ago
£100.00 + £25.00 GiftAid
£100.00 + £25.00 GiftAid
May Allah reward you! :)
£100.00 + £25.00 GiftAid
£40.00 + £10.00 GiftAid
Zakat and Sadaqa
Dua request for the Ummah and for my Mum, Brothers and Nephew.
£3.00 + £0.75 GiftAid
Sadaqah from jobs pay
£20.00 + £5.00 GiftAid
Sadaqah for RK. May Allah grant Aunty Rabiya shifa and good healthy long life. Ameeen
£100.00 + £25.00 GiftAid
Sadaqah on behalf of Rabiya Khatun ❤️❤️❤️
£10.00 + £2.50 GiftAid
Well done sis,
♥️♥️♥️ You’ve got this sis 😭💪🏼
£50.00 + £12.50 GiftAid
Zakat on behalf on CAA
Well done hun, I hope this goes on to become a lifestyle change, but do treat yourself from time to time, because you're worth it! *flicks hair*
SubhanAllah I'm really proud of you, why? It's not so much that you are giving up dessert but rather you are quashing a desire for Allah's sake. Dude that's not just a deal, THAT'S A BIG DEAL. you go gurrrrrl.
£10.00 + £2.50 GiftAid
Wow no desert for 120 days, your a soldier mash'Allah. May Allah accept it from everyone....Ameen
£10.00 + £2.50 GiftAid
Taqabal Allah
Nasreen Akhtar
£100.00 + £25.00 GiftAid
£10.00 + £2.50 GiftAid
£20.00 + £5.00 GiftAid
The extra donation that didn't show up as Zakat payment
£20.00 + £5.00 GiftAid
£10.00 + £2.50 GiftAid
I am proud of you, hun. I don't think I would have been able to do it with my sweet tooth. Well done and keep it up! It's healthy for you and think of all the reward as a result of it as the cause is a great one. xxx
£3.00 + £0.75 GiftAid
Sadaqah on behalf of my mum
£40.00 + £10.00 GiftAid
£20.00 + £5.00 GiftAid
Nasreen Akhtar
£109.00 + £27.25 GiftAid
You got this Cho. We believe in you xx
£10.00 + £2.50 GiftAid
Mariam Qureshi
£200.00 + £50.00 GiftAid
£10.00 + £2.50 GiftAid