Support Fatna Khalid's Warmer Winter Challenge

Sponsor me to save a child from sleeping in the cold.

I need your support to raise just £3.33 a day for the next 90 days to keep the hearth alight in the home of a HHUGS family this Winter.

For less than the cost of a meal deal lunch, you could be saving a life this winter. Not in a far off developing country, but right here, in a broken home, a few doors down from your own.

In the best season for the believer, will you join me in reaping the booty of winter to the fullest?

Fuel poverty is blighting 7 million households in the UK. Amongst them, are HHUGS families: single mothers, children without fathers, and elderly parents of sons in detention. These families have been isolated from their communities when they are most vulnerable and desperate. Most have minimal income, and have often had their assets confiscated. Burdened by debts and harassed by bailiffs, they struggle to survive on the bare minimum throughout the year. Now with the onset of winter colds, they will be fighting hypothermia, exposure and sickness, on top of everything else.

This winter, I can’t rest easy turning up our thermostats in the knowledge that a home without a father or son is stone cold. Can you?

Just £3.33 a day for 90 days means together we can raise £300. That’s all we need to get one HHUGS family through the winter. Please help me to give them a warmer winter.

Together, we can ward off the chill and embrace the broken hearted in their broken homes this Winter.

Together, we can give Warm HHUGS to those who need it most.

  • For £10 you can provide a draught excluder to ward off the child from doors and windows.

  • For £20 you can insulate a home more efficiently with Radiator Reflectors, retaining and reflecting the heat within each room.

  • For £40 you can provide warm bedding to protect them from the night’s chill

  • For £100 you can clothe children to keep them warm this Winter

  • For £400 you can heat a home this Winter.

  • For £250 you can feed a family for a month so they aren’t forced to choose between heating and eating.

  • For £500 you can shelter a family by paying their rent and saving them from eviction

  • For £1000 you can alleviate the burden of debt for a family.

Last donation was 1yr 11mos ago