Eshaal & Farhaan's Race 2 Jannah Challenge

AssalamuAlaykum warahamtullahi wabarakatuh!

Ramadan Mubarak to you all. We, Eshaal & Farhaan, will be memorising du'as and surahs to support families this Ramadan! Sponsor us as we take part in the Race to Jannah for HHUGS!

We are one of a blessed group of competitors striving to raise £1,000 for HHUGS families, right here in the UK.

What are you having for Iftar?

As iftar fast approaches, we rush into our kitchens, ready to cook up a storm.

However, in a kitchen not too far from your own, single mothers within HHUGS households are struggling to get by. They won’t be looking forward to iftar the same way we will, this Ramadan. But the gift of food vouchers can change that In’sha’Allah, providing families with the dignity to purchase good food to break their fasts with throughout the month. Feed the Hungry, for His Sake; He will feed you from the fruits of Paradise. Find Him by embracing those in need this Ramadan.

“Then Allah will say, ‘Son of Adam, I needed food but you did not feed Me.’
‘My Lord, how could I feed You when You are the Lord of the Worlds?’
‘Did you not know that one of My servants was hungry but you did not feed him?
If you had fed him you would have found its reward with Me.’” (Al-Bukhari)

Donate to our page today and provide food vouchers for these families to buy essential staples for Ramadan. May Allah multiply your rewards this Ramadan Aameen


For His Sake, embrace the oppressed this Ramadhan, for there is no veil between Allah and their prayers.

‘Verily, Allah will say on the Day of Resurrection: Where are those who love each other for the sake of My glory? Today, I will Shelter them in My Shade on a Day when there is no shade but Mine.’ [Muslim]

By sponsoring my challenge, your donations could provide:

  • For £15 you could Cheer a Child and make them feel valued with an Eid Gift

  • For £35 you could remind a family they are not forgotten with a Ramadhan Gift Box

  • For £50 you could Feed the Hungry with a food pack of essentials or for £250 restore their dignity with a month of food vouchers.

  • For £200 you could Heal a Heart and relieve a family's trauma with professional therapy

  • For £500 you could Shelter the Homeless by covering rent and essential utilities

  • For £750 you could Nurture a Neglected Child by supporting their physical and emotional well-being.

  • For £1000 you can Empower a Mother in Need by helping her gain independence through education, driving lessons and vocational training

  • For £2000 you can Alleviate the Burdened by relieving a single mother of debts she cannot pay

Together, we can make a world of difference for some of the most vulnerable families in our midst.

Find Him in the hearts you heal this Ramadhan.

Remember them, He will Remember you.

“My Love is assured for those... who spend on each other for My Sake.” (Ahmad)

Last donation was 3yrs 10mos ago
Sehzad Husain
May Allah accept from you and us
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
May Allah reward you
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Sajeed Uncle & Shabnam Aunty
£30.00 + £7.50 GiftAid
Mashallah very well done kids! May Allah reward you both for all your efforts!!
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Mashallah Eshaal and Farhaan ❤️ May Allah reward you for all your efforts Ameen
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Faisal (Bhaijaan)
£100.00 + £25.00 GiftAid
MashAllah, well done to you Eshaal and Farhaan and may Allah reward you lots for your efforts. Ameen.
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Bari Ammi 💕
Ma sha Allah we'll done Eshaal & Farhaan! So inspiring may Allah reward you & May Allah swt accept our efforts and enable us to do more for the needy xx
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Shoeb (Barre Abba)
£100.00 + £25.00 GiftAid
Masha Allah, well done kids. May Allah reward you for your efforts.. aameen
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Good job guys
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Fayyaz Esa
£120.00 + £30.00 GiftAid
Eshaal & Farhaan Well done may Allah bless you to memorise the quran in the future aswell insha'allah keep up the good work. Your target is met. Now push your dad to tell more of his friends for more and reach an even higher target insha'allah.
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Well done
Zahir Nafeesa Zayn & Faizah
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Tasneem Sattar
£30.00 + £7.50 GiftAid
Masha allah. May Allah reward you for your efforts. HHUGS is certainly doing a great job.
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Rizwan Siddiqui
£50.00 + £12.50 GiftAid
Mashallah, can't wait to hear your efforts memorising duas and surahs
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Amjid Ali
£100.00 + £25.00 GiftAid
Good luck
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£10.00 + £2.50 GiftAid
Well done kiddos. Pray you achieve your target, Insha'Allah.
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£30.00 + £7.50 GiftAid
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Fatima Molvi and Family
MashaAllah May Allah reward you all, Aameen
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£50.00 + £12.50 GiftAid

Great work kids, Mashallah
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Ahmed Rafai
£30.00 + £7.50 GiftAid
Mashaallah well done
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
May you both be rewarded for all your efforts
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Imtiaz pathan
Mashallah...keep up the good work kids.
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£30.00 + £7.50 GiftAid
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Juned, Asya & Sara, Saiyed
£50.00 + £12.50 GiftAid
Masha Allah, Well done Eshaal & Farhaan.
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Masha’Allah. May Allah SWT bless you both. Aameen
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£30.00 + £7.50 GiftAid
Faruk college
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
MashAllah! May Allah bless you both xx
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
MashaA. I want to listen to you reciting these surahs after ;-)
£20.00 + £5.00 GiftAid
Omer Rafai
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Henna Halling
£30.00 + £7.50 GiftAid
Well Done Eshaal & Farhaan ❤️
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Great work Mashallah
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£100.00 + £25.00 GiftAid
Well done to you both. May Allah bless you to reach your target InshaAllah
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.