Nasima & Umm Maryam's Winter Walk

£295 raised of £300 target
Only £5 to go!

🥳Alhamdulillah we completed the 5 mile winter walk 👟 for HHUGS in the bitter London cold🥶and the veryy muddy trails of Hampstead Heath Park 🌳

Please support us so we can help provide the beneficiaries with winter essentials and so they are not left to decide whether to "heat or eat."

Jazakumullahu Khaira.😊

Why we're walking in their shoes?

Here, on our doorstep, HHUGS families spend the year already struggling with living costs and precarious financial security.

Millions of UK homes face a burdensome winter energy bill hike, making the unforeseen financial insecurity that COVID-19 has brought, hit struggling families even harder this year.

When women have suddenly become single parents overnight, the impact of a husband in prison runs deep. Burdened by ongoing debts and rising fuel bills, they are forced to make the agonising choice between whether to ‘heat or eat’.

Homes that require repair and are not fuel efficient will mean single-parent households will battle home inadequate, icy and unliveable conditions during these Winter months.

Children already dealing with the ramifications of losing their father now face the challenge of Winter with clothing and outerwear that cannot keep them warm and protected against the elements.

The absence of a father and husband leaves an unimaginable trail of mental, emotional, psychological and financial burdens for everyone in the family. These struggles are only exacerbated by the difficulties of the Winter months

A Winter with your support means we can alleviate the harsh effects of the weather this season. Together, we can help remove the anxiety around Winter for those who cannot afford to protect themselves adequately against it

Your donations can ensure families won’t face a winter without you. By donating:

  • £40 you can provide warm bedding to protect them from the night’s chill

  • £100 you can clothe children to keep them warm this Winter

  • £150 you can provide warm companionship - a listening ear from a HHUGS caseworker and dedicated emotional support from our volunteer keyworkers

  • £250 you can feed a family for a month so they aren’t forced to choose between heating and eating.

  • £400 you can heat a home this winter

  • £500 you can shelter a family by paying their rent and saving them from eviction

Together we can give Warm HHUGS to those who need it most.

Be there for those desperately searching for warmth this Winter.

  • Over 2.3 million Britons are affected by fuel poverty, despite the fact 50% are employed.

  • Children may be forced to skip meals, have inadequate nutrition or study and sleep in uncomfortably cold conditions, affecting their performance at school and their emotional wellbeing.

  • A quarter of families are forced to wear outdoor clothing, like hats, scarves and coats, inside to stay warm.

  • 36% of the UK's elderly say they live mainly in one room to save money on heating.

  • Over 2.8 million households enter winter with energy debt, with an average increase in debt of 22% from last year.

  • Half a million families said that they are likely to take out a loan this winter to cover the costs of heating their home

Last donation was 1yr 11mos ago
£100.00 + £25.00 GiftAid
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation!😊 May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward for you in this blessed month and may it weigh heavy on your scales on YawmalQiyaamah, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.🤍
£10.00 + £2.50 GiftAid
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation in this blessed month. May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward for you. Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£50.00 + £12.50 GiftAid
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation in this blessed month. May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward for you in abundance 🍃Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation in this blessed month!🍃 May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward for you in dunya & Al Aakhirah, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.🙂
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation in this blessed month!🍃 May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and reward you multifold😊 Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families. May Allah help you in all your affairs.
£20.00 + £5.00 GiftAid
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, multiply the reward & make it weigh heavy on your scales.🤲🏻 Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.🙂
£15.00 + £3.75 GiftAid
JazaakAllahu khaira for your kind donation!🤲🏻 May Allah accept it and bless you in abundance and grant you multifold reward Aameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families. ☺
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! 😊May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward for you in dunya and Al Aakhirah Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families 💙
£45.00 + £11.25 GiftAid
May Allah accept all your efforts and the donations to reach those in dire need. Ameen
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! 💙May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward for you Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families. BarakaAllahu feekum.
JazaakAllahu khaira for your kind donation! 💞May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward in abundance Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.🌹