
Hhugs supports families impacted by counter-terror measures and detention. With their main breadwinners in prison, these families face social isolation and financial hardships, as they struggle desperately to provide for themselves.

In these final hours until this day passes us by,  strengthen your du’aas by giving sadaqah. And what better sadaqah than facilitating ease and happiness for a family in need.

This Eid, for just £50 you can unite a family. Gift a prison visit so that a child can visit their father.

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah said:

"Whoever relieves a Muslim of a burden from the burdens of the world, Allah will relieve him of a burden from the burdens on the Day of Judgement. And whoever helps ease a difficulty in the world, Allah will grant him ease from a difficulty in the world and in the Hereafter. And whoever covers (the faults of) a Muslim, Allah will cover (his faults) for him in the world and the Hereafter. And Allah is engaged in helping the worshipper as long as the worshipper is engaged in helping his brother." - (Tirmidhi 1930)

We all will be looking forward to Eid with our loved ones, warm food and presents. But for the families and children supported by Hhugs, Eid can often be a very sad time.

For some, it is their first Eid without their father. For others, it could be their fifth, sixth, or even tenth. With each Eid passed without him, their little heart breaks into more pieces.

For the elderly, missing their sons, the absence does not only make the heart fonder, it makes the heart weary. At their frail age, their hearts shouldn't have to carry such hurt, such longing.

Many single mothers, already struggling financially, cannot afford the high cost of travelling to a prison in a remote location.

The average UK prison visit is a 120-mile round-trip. In many cases, the added impediment of mobility constraints makes these visits impossible for elderly parents to undertake alone.

This Eid, for just £50 you can unite a family. Gift a prison visit so that a child can visit their father.

May Allah be pleased with you for your generous support and make ypu of those whose du'aas are answered and whose necks are freed from the hellfire. Aameen. 🤲
Last donation was 1yr 8mos ago
May Allah forgive us and bless us goodness in this world and the next and grant us all his Mercy on the day he f judgement Ameen
Y Begum
£20.00 + £5.00 GiftAid
Allah accept it from you and I. May He make us of those who earn His mercy and forgive and are freed from the hellfire aameen
£24.00 + £6.00 GiftAid
£1.00 + £0.25 GiftAid
£3.00 + £0.75 GiftAid
Allah have mercy on my parents and grant them complete health, free from all physical and spiritual ailments, aameen
£2.00 + £0.50 GiftAid
Sister S
£50.00 + £12.50 GiftAid