Support Salma A’s Box Hill Challenge - can she do it?

It’s been a long while since I’ve done anything of this sort (does anyone remember Trees4cities??!)...

This August I will be digging out my trek boots from the attic and taking part in the Box Hill Sisters Trek to raise crucial funds for HHUGS' children – a very much needed cause right here in the UK.

Your donation can help children living under traumatic circumstances by providing them a new uniform and shoes for the first day of term.  Help them to stand tall in front of their peers rather than shy away from everyone with embarrassment.

“Whoever clothes (a believer) will be clothed from the green silks of Paradise.” (At-Tirmidhi)

Please donate to help motivate me and at the same time help make a difference - it’s a win win!

JazaakumAllahu Khayr

Salma :)
Last donation was 3yrs 7mos ago
Amazing! With a huge intention the reward is even bigger! JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
So very kind and thoughtful - I am touched - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
😭 your generosity is truly inspirational, I am so humbled. Sending love for the sake of Allah your way anonymous. JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£20.00 + £5.00 GiftAid
Salaams! Amazing cause. May Allah reward you abundantly and make it easy for you Ameen. InShaAllah we can meet soon! Xxx
Wa alaykum asalaam dear Eli moni, I’m so touched. Big hugs for many different reasons xxx JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Allah accept it from you and reward you abundantly, ameen
Ameen - a beautiful du’a and donation from what can only be a beautiful soul - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£100.00 + £25.00 GiftAid
Anonymous!!! Friday AND Dhul Hijjah AND youve brought JOY to my heart - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Soooo generous! I am truly touched - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Blown away! Allah sees you! 🥺 JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Every pound counts and it’s the intention that makes the reward BIG not the numbers - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
This means so much! May Allah place so much barakah in your wealth. JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
😲 speechless I am indeed! Heart is bursting, JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Amazing cause Subhan’Allah!! May Allah reward you abundantly and make it easy for you Ameen xx
Ameen! It takes an amazing person to donate to an amazing cause! JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Atif Hossain
Well done Bubu really proud of you
Aww Bhaia!! You have always cheered me on in all my physical exercise endeavours - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£10.00 + £2.50 GiftAid
Thank you and JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
You donated even though I had reached my target! Soooo special x JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£20.00 + £5.00 GiftAid
Go Shakhee moni!! Lovely cause Alhamdulillah xx
Aww I can always count on my replies support 😘 -JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£10.00 + £2.50 GiftAid
A beautiful cause! May Allah reward you in abundance for your efforts Ameen. Cheering you on!! Xx
Ameen whoop whoop! I’ll be needing that motivation I think when I’m all tired and hot - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
May Allah reward you abundantly and make you a
Sadaqah jariah for your parents Ameen
Ameen to that - such a beautiful du’a, may Allah reunite us with them in Jannatul Firdaus! JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Beautiful cause by a beautiful sister ❤️❤️ May Allah accept it xx
You got me all emotional 😭, beautiful words that could only have been articUlated by a beautiful soul xx JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Allahumma baarik! JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£20.00 + £5.00 GiftAid
MashAllah, May Allah reward you abundantly for all your efforts. I'm sure you will be a winner.
What a beautiful message - I hope to join you as winners in destination Paradise to thank you personally!

JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£20.00 + £5.00 GiftAid
May Allah accept it from you and us ameen
Ameen! You have brought joy to my heart and to those who will benefit from your generous donation - JazaakAllahu khairan! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
Your kindness and generosity is spurring me on - JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.
£20.00 + £5.00 GiftAid
A great cause and Good luck! May Allah make it easy for you and reward you for your efforts. Amin
My first donor! You believed in me and the cause - may you be rewarded for everyone who donates thereafter!
JazaakAllahu khaira for your donation! May Allah accept it, bless it and multiply the reward, Ameen. Thank you for making a difference to the lives of these families.