Sign up for automated giving with HHUGS for the last ten nights of Ramadhan; don't miss out on reaping the rewards of a night greater than a thousand months

Let’s do the math:
A Thousand months is 83 years.
Giving sadaqah on this night is like giving
sadaqah for 30,295 nights.
Giving £10 is like giving £300,000!

AutoNate your Sadaqah this Ramadhan - whether for all 30 days, every Friday or for the last 10 nights. Ensure you never miss the best times to give Sadaqah by automating your giving in the best month of the year. Never miss Laylatul-Qadr again!

Simply sign up once, decide how much you want to give daily, and then focus on your other worship. With our convenient and reliable automated giving service, you can be assured you won't miss out on reaping the rewards of a night greater than a thousand months.


Daily amounts will be taken for the 30 days of Ramadhan. Any amounts stipulated for Jumu'ah, Monday and Thursday will supercede the daily amount on the respective days.

These donations will contribute towards the following fundraiser's target on their page:
Support Aziz Race to Jannah Challenge


Maximise your rewards by automating additional donations in the last 10 nights of Ramadhan, as you seek Laylatul-Qadr.

(NB: Any amounts entered below will be debited from your account in the last 10 nights, in addition to the daily donations you have scheduled above)


Whether you’re doing a media detox or taking part in I’tikaf, we’ll all be upping our game with good deeds and extra worship in these last ten days of Ramadhan. Our mission: to reap the blessings of that one Night of Decree, hidden amongst the ten. After all, no one wants to be the one who is ‘truly deprived’ of all goodness. But with no way of knowing when Laylatul Qadr is and so much to do in so little time, it’s easy to forget to give sadaqah on every one of those nights.

HHUGS automated giving will ensure you don’t miss out on sadaqah. It will help you spread your donations out over the last ten nights of Ramadhan, without having to worry about donating each day. You simply sign up once, decide how much you want to give daily, and then, with a sound mind, focus on gaining the blessings of all your other worship.

The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said,
'...verily, the rewards of
deeds performed, depend
on the last actions.'


No matter how we started Ramadhan, it’s not over yet. Everything depends now on how well we do in these final days. It could very well even determine how we spend the rest of our year. That’s all the more reason to give it the best of what we’ve got, in the hopes of ending the Month of Blessings on the highest note possible.

Are you in?

Sign Up Now