Out of the 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, the day of Arafah is particularly virtuous. It is the peak
of the hajj pilgrimage, on which pilgrims gather on the plains of Arafah, in Makkah, spending
the day seeking Allah’s forgiveness and freedom from the Fire. The Prophet (saw) explained that
there is no day on which Allah frees more of His slaves from the hellfire than this day.
"There is no better day in the Sight of Allah
than the Day of ‘Arafah. Allah The Almighty descends [on that day] to the lowest heaven, and boasts
about the people of the earth to the dwellers of heaven, saying: ‘Just look at My slaves! They have
come to Me with dishevelled hair and covered in dust, standing in the forenoon. They have come from
every distant pass. They seek My Mercy although they have not seen My punishment.’ There is no day
when Allah sets free more slaves from Hell than the Day of ‘Arafah.” [Ibn Khuzaymah]
Although most of us will not physically be standing on the plains of Arafah, we are all
encouraged to spend the day increasing in good deeds and seeking God’s forgiveness, wherever
we may be in the world.
"Being free from Hell is for all people, those who stood in 'Arafah and those who did not. On
the day of Arafah, Allah frees even those who are not physically in Arafah. Therefore, the next
day is Eid for all.” (Ibn Rajab)
Those who are not performing hajj are encouraged to fast this day, and are promised the reward
of their sins being expiated from the previous and the coming year.
One of the best ways to make up for one’s shortcomings during fasts are to give sadaqah.
The Sahabi, Anas (ra), said, “The day of ‘Arafah equals 10 000 days in virtue.” It therefore
makes perfect sense that we would want to ensure that we give more sadaqah on this day.
With HHUGS automated giving service you can choose to give more on the day of Arafah, than the other 10 days of the Dhul Hijjah.