Raised of £18,000 target
Provide uniforms and school supplies so HHUGS children get the best start to the school year.
The trauma of a father arrested and in prison. The anguish of a family broken and ostracised. The painful memories of bullying from the previous school year. These are the invisible horrors Sara will carry inside of her, on that dreaded first day. Adding to it all might be the shame of wearing an ill-fitting school uniform and old shoes that are hard to walk in. Such noticeable signs of poverty surely mark Sara out for further ridicule… unless you can help.
Recent research by the Children’s Society estimated that parents spend £422 a year on uniform for a child at secondary school, and £287 for primary school children.
Poverty is deepening, with 15.2m in general and half the UK Muslim population trapped in its cycle. With inflation still at a high, surging prices and rising bills mean the poorest households in our community have been hit hardest.
For HHUGS families, already wrestling with uncertain finances, and crippled by the weight of debt, costly school necessities fast become another burden they cannot afford.
With the odds stacked against them, HHUGS children like Sara don’t stand a chance at a better start to the new school year.
“Whoever clothes (a believer) will be clothed from the green silks of Paradise.”
"Whoever relieves the hardship of a believer in this world, Allah will relieve his hardship on the Day of
Resurrection. Whoever helps ease one in difficulty, Allah will make it easy for him in this world and in the