In early June, the 7th Goodmayes Scouts group came together for a unique charity walk to support HHUGS. The walk took place on a Saturday morning and was based in and around Redbridge. It began at the Gardens of Peace Cemetery and went along to the local Masajid around Redbridge.

They were joined by boy and girls from the  Scouts, Explorers, and older Cubs. The Cubs and Beavers joined in later in the day. An impressive £17555 was raised by 74 children to support families right here in the UK.

We’re going to share voices of the participants to get a behind-the-scenes account of the walk.

Zareena – Explorer and Young Leader

Zareena enjoys reading and sewing. When she isn’t doing either, you’ll find her fulfilling her scout duties as an explorer and Young Leader. She was inspired to do the walk after learning more about our work. 

“I know that HHUGS helps households and individuals who are financially struggling and provides for those who cannot afford things such as necessities.

“I feel it’s important to support the charity as we are one ummah and it is our responsibility to help those less fortunate in any way we can.

“I was inspired by some of the stories on the website.  They really made me understand what people in our society are going through.”

Although Zareena was tired towards the end, she enjoyed visiting the local masajid in the company of her friends. She encourages and recommends others to get involved in similar walks, and shares a much-needed tip for walking.

“I would advise other children that wish to take part in similar challenges to research the charity they are walking for as this would give them more motivation during the walk. I would also advise them to do some stretches after they finish the walk so that they are in less pain.”

Umayr  – Scout Patrol Leader

Meet Umayr, an avid football fan, foodie, and a Manchester United supporter. Umayr was excited about the walk after learning about the work of HHUGS.

“For those of you who don’t know, HHUGS is a charity that help people suffering from poverty, ongoing trauma, and isolation. I was excited to get involved with the walk as I wanted to help families and support the work HHUGS does.”

Umayr prepared for the walk the best way – by getting a good night’s kip and the company of his friends kept him going. 

“To prepare for this walk I just made sure I had a goodnight sleep so when I woke up I wasn’t too tired. I enjoyed the walk because I had all my friends around me and I wasn’t short of a person to talk to.”

Although Umayr’s legs were sore towards the end, he was pleased to be rewarded with delicious food at the end. He felt better, knowing he had exceeded his initial target and that the funds were going towards a good cause.

Al Rehan Dhanji – Parent Volunteer

Al Rehan loves to be active, ranging from badminton to squash.  He is familiar with exercising but this walk was special because of the cause and company

“It was a great day, good company, and an amazing opportunity to do some good and raise money whilst visiting many masjids en route.

“It was a great experience to see the Scouts enjoy and push themselves to a new limit, building their character In sha’Allah.”

Although there were several moments that made the day special, the greatest accomplishment was seeing his son reach the target and being granted the opportunity to be part of the day.

“I’m proud to be part of the big 7th Goodmayes family and to help in some way to help HHUGS.”

The walk not only raised funds for HHUGS but also created a sense of unity and empathy within our community. Participants, young and older came together to support a cause larger than themselves…

To all supporters and those who took part, remember that every step taken and every penny brings relief.As one community Al Rehan puts it, “It’s a good deed that will weigh heavy on the scales of good if accepted, In sha’ Allah.”

A big thank you to everyone who made this walk possible. May all your efforts be rewarded abundantly, ameen.

If you’re part of a Scouts, madrassa, or youth group and would like to organise your own walk with HHUGS reach out to us at [email protected]. You can donate to the 7th Goodmayes Walk here.