We welcome you to journey with us this Ramadhan through the Qur’an, with our daily Ramadhan Series. In the month in which it was revealed, we’re going to explore a verse from each juz each day, with renowned speakers sharing their reflections and insight
There’s no greater time to embark on this spiritual journey than in Ramadhan. A month in which we’re encouraged to look inward, reflect and ponder, and draw closer to Him. We can deepen our connection with Him through His word.
Throughout the 30-day series, we will delve into the wisdom and miracle of each verse selected in a bite-sized video – the perfect option to allow us to connect with the jewels in the Qur’an while taking account of our busy schedules in the month ahead. Whilst Ramadhan physically disciplines us, requiring us to stay away from food and drink, there’s also an importance placed on spiritual discipline; to strive and make an extra effort to understand your role as a believer, your faith, and ultimately your Creator.
The Qur’an has been given to us as the perfect guide to life. Within it lay gems that are waiting to be unraveled and reflected on. There’s never enough you can learn and every verse teaches you something profound. Doing this collectively daily allows us to traverse through the Qur’an in 30 days.
Follow our socials now so you don’t miss out, and join our WhatsApp and Telegram for daily updates!
Here is the list of speakers that will be joining us daily on our social media channels:
- Ustadha Umm Talha
- Shaykh Muhammad Ziyad Batha
- Ustadha Nasima Umm Hamza
- Ustadh Asif Uddin
- Shaykh Fahad Tasleem
- Shaykh Farid Haibatan
- Shaykh Junaid Dar
- Shaykh Omar Hajaj
- Shaykh Alaa Elsayed
- Shaykh Fuad Abdo
- Ustadh Refi Shafi
- Shaykha Saleha Bukhari
- Ustadh Abu Anas
- Sh Shaqur Rehman
- Imam Wasim Kempson
- Imam Ashraf Dabbous
- Ustadh Uthman Lateef
- Ustadha Youssra Kandil
- Sh Mostahfiz Gani
- Ustadha Marjaan Ali
- Shaykh Mustafa Omer
- Sh Omer El Hamdoon
- Ustadha Alima Ashfaq
- Shaykha Umm Jamaaluddin
- Qari Ishaq Jasaat
- Sh Saalim Al Azhari
- Sh Wisam Sharieff
- Sh Mohammad Elshinawy
As we embark on this journey through the Quran together, let’s open our hearts to its wisdom. May this Ramadan be a time of profound spiritual transformation and enlightenment for all of us, and the series a means for us to connect deeper to His word.