We wanted 2022 to be simple, uncomplicated. After years of the pandemic, leaving us yearning for healing, we were hopeful for the new year; that it would present an opportunity to pause, breathe and get back to a new normal. But 2022 has been anything but ordinary. It’s been tough.
We’ve experienced conflict, inflation and the cost-of-living crisis. Amidst the uncertainty, and apprehension, there’s been pockets of hope, a flicker of promise, and that’s what we’ve clung onto. We’re now accustomed to bracing the storm, and riding the wave that swoops in at any given time. We’ve grown far more resilient, because we’ve had to be.
Whether you’re a fundraiser, farmer or firefighter, this past year we’ve all done our bit to comfort, nourish or empower. When life gets tricky, the kindness we show each other does the world of good. That’s what drives us to keep going. We strike to serve those who we support, and we’re able to do that because of you. You supported our families through the pandemic, and have continued to support them through the cost-of-living crisis. It’s been a challenging time, but as we say Wada’an, bidding the year farewell, we’re proud to recap 2022, to remind you of your impact, celebrate your accomplishments and share our pockets of hope that keep us motivated.

A chilly welcome
We were thrown in the deep end from the very beginning, Storm Eunice, a new variant and whispers of surging energy rates welcomed us. At the beginning of 2022, we were in the throes of our Winter campaign. We were determined to keep our families warm and safe, as the vulnerable amongst us were hit the hardest.
As they called out to Allah, you were sent as a stranger to gain the rewards of supporting them. Thanks to your generous support of £95,485 towards our Winter campaign, you made a difference to 59 families, 125 adults and 108 children. We distributed £170,488 in food and clothing vouchers, duvets and heaters, fuel support, rental contributions and debt clearance.
“Without HHUGS, this winter would have been difficult to get through. It was colder than we usually experience at this time of year so the heating was more expensive than is the norm.”
Blast from the past
To celebrate the return of our first Winter Walk since the pandemic, we decided to shake things up a bit, and go back in time to unravel untold Muslim history in Central London. It seems we have many a history enthusiast among us, as there was such a demand that we added a second date!
“The walk was great, it taught us the history and things we never knew before.”
We’re pleased to say as a result of your steps £14,353 was raised as your friends and family sponsored the 110 of you who walked in the shoes of our beneficiaries and embraced the cold.

Rescheduling a date with nature
Sometimes we’re disappointed when our plans are cancelled, other times we’re secretly glad. We had to reschedule our Dove Stone Reservoir Winter Walk because of Storm Eunice. But even heavy snow couldn’t dampen our participant’s spirits when the new date finally arrived.
We were joined by 53 brave individuals in the Peak District, who completed the hike and raised a total of £12,435! They were able to enjoy stunning scenery, sisterhood, and the satisfaction of helping others.
A fundraiser named Rozina summed it up, sharing her insight after taking part in the walk. “I see doing these walks, fundraising, sharing the post as a talking point to a bigger picture and making people realise that this goes on right here in the UK and the impact it has on families.”

The Believer’s Shield
This March, we were inspired by the knowledge and insights of Ustadh Alomgir Ali and Ustadh Jamal Abdinasir for a one-day exclusive course. Together, we examined the meanings, benefits and importance of the morning and evening adhkar.
It was our first in-person conference since the pandemic, and we were excited to share the beneficial knowledge with our attendees. The course received great feedback and was beneficial, also providing an opportunity to present our work and engage new supporters.
‘I really enjoyed the topic of the event, and I appreciate the course booklet.’
‘The speakers were great.’
If you would like to benefit from this course, you can still buy recorded access here. Start the new year and prepare for Ramadhan by transforming your relationship with your adhkar.

Reviving the Ramadhan Spirit
Ramadhan can bring painful memories, a reminder of a missing family member and added pressure for our families. We wanted to help prepare our families for the blessed month, to remind them of its beauty, and that they are remembered.
Because of your generosity 428 adults and 241 children received Ramadhan gift hampers, showcasing the generosity of our ummah, and filling the hearts of our families with the Ramadhan spirit.
“JazakAllah Khair for the gift box. There was something for everyone inside it. All my children were happy.’

A Radiating Ramadhan
The month in which Allah showers his mercy on us, is the month in which the ummah is more merciful to each other. We witness this first hand every year because of the generosity in your giving.
Ramadhan and Eid is a tricky time for our families, as the happy memories they once shared of shared iftars, and family trips to the Mosque are replaced with a missing seat at the table, and a disheartening Eid. But because of your help, we’re able to revive the Ramadhan spirit, and fill the void in their hearts and homes.
You gave £610,453 to alleviate HHUGS families and allow them to feel the mercy of Ramadhan, and joy of Eid, well beyond the month’s end.
‘Honestly, Eid comes and the only thing that makes us feel this special day is the gift from HHUGS, the brothers and sisters and what they do!”
Our heartfelt thanks goes out to all our donors and our impressive fundraisers, 107 of whom registered for our Race 2 Jannah Challenge, raising over £178,000 in the thirty day period.

An Eventful Eid
We threw Eid parties in London, Birmingham and Bradford to celebrate Eid with our families. It was a special time as it gave them an opportunity to socalise, unwind and surround themselves with others without fear of judgement.
Many of our families are isolated during Eid, with no family or friends to celebrate with, it can be a heartbreaking occasion. That’s why were determined to make sure it’s an occasion to remember.
“It was the first time I’ve been able to socialise comfortably in many years.”
“It was nice to be among others who have been through similar situations. Nice to see familiar faces. The kids were very happy with the entertainment, the sweets and gifts.”
A Splashing Time
This June, we competed against dozens of other UK charities and community organisations, in the Al-Noor Dragon Boat Race at Fairlop Waters to raise funds for HHUGS families. It was a great day, full of stiff competition, oar-some sportsmanship and a zeal to change lives.
Our two teams, of 17 sisters and 17 brothers, competed in three heats, and collectively raised £7733!

Your sacrifice was worth it
The run up to Qurbani is always a busy but rewarding period for HHUGS. We’re motivated to strive hard when we were met with your generosity, even amidst the cost-of-living crisis.
Although there were cheaper options available in the charity sector, 115 of you still chose to raise the bar and perform your Qurbani with HHUGS; providing over 2063kg of meat in total, distributed amongst 545 people.
We celebrated Eid in the way we know best, with a sizzling Summer Eid party. We had a wacky scientist, ice-cream sundaes and henna. It was a chance for our families, once again, to connect in a safe and nurturing space.
A Super September Start
A new school term is always an apprehensive time, even moreso when you’re struggling with the absence of a parent. Families in HHUGS households are often the odd ones out, with incorrect uniform or unable to afford necessities. They are at risk of being bullied and taunted for their situation.
With the rise in the costs of everyday products this year, families already on the breadline were unable to purchase school uniforms for their children. Despite the current cost of living crisis, we continued to see your generosity in action, with £9,235 donated towards our Back 2 School Campaign, raising 50% of our target. HHUGS distributed £18,407, providing 86 children in 40 households with school uniforms and essential stationery and learning resources.
Something for our sisters
The sisters we support often struggle silently. They’re unable to reach out and ask for help, in fear of being rejected, being isolated and judged. That’s why we offered relationship and emotional well-being coaching sessions for 12 weeks from September to December with a professional therapist and coach.
The sessions ran online once a week, offering a safe space to ask related questions. Participants were also informed about their nafs using faith based principles. The topics ranged from developing their relationship with Allah to overcoming pain. Many of the participants were pleased with the coaching and spoke of the profound impact it had on them.
Running for change
This October, we joined the Muslim Charity run in East London once again to raise funds for HHUGS families. The run was open to all boys and men, and girls under 12. It was a great family day out, with you generous support, we raised £1755!
We went back to the classroom
This year, we went back to the classrooms and ran interactive workshops for students, based on dismantling stereotypes. We hosted two earlier in Spring, and again in November. It gave attendees an opportunity to put themselves in the shoes of others, understand how stereotypes develop and how to challenge them. We received some great feedback and hope to run more in the future!
‘The delivery of the workshop facilitators was amazing.’
‘My favourite activity was learning how to make a difference with the use of social media.’

Chatter over a cuppa
Our coffee mornings have been e a great opportunity to sisters to get together and have a chat. It can be the only chance many of them can socalise, take their minds off things and feel a sense of normalcy. Our last coffee morning of the year in Birmingham this November, was attended by 15 families.
“JazakAllahu khairan for everyone who arranged the coffee morning it was lovely to see everyone and made me happy, the food was also great Alhamdulillah.”
A Frosty Winter
As the year draws to a close, the battle to come to terms with the cost-of-living crisis only gets harder. As the temperature drops, our concerns heighten as to how we’ll make it through. Even the financially secure among us are struggling, it’s impacting everyone and even moreso those on the breadline.
Our families are stifled under the weight of debt and bills, and that’s why we’re trying our hardest to ensure, that amidst the heightened headlines, they aren’t forgotten. With rising rent prices, inflation of every day food essentials, and surging energy prices, it’s become impossible to make ends meet for those within our families.
So far, this Winter, with £23473 of your donations, you’ve provided 164 individuals with clothing vouchers, 225 individuals with fuel support, 21 families with heaters, 39 with duvets and 32 with draught excluders and radiator reflectors.
We’ve reached just 11% of our target so far, but we’ve got a long Winter ahead of us, and we need your help to make sure they make it through.

Our pockets of hope
We’ve heard the saying, ‘just wait, the cloud will pass,’ but when you’re caught in a storm cloud, submerged in grey, it can be difficult to be patient. But that’s when it matters most; to be patient when you have none left, to believe when there’s little hope and to remain steadfast when you’re clinging on for dear life. You’re not alone in this, and most of us are feeling the pressure with the year ending. We’re hopeful for a new start, for ease and for comfort in 2023, but the reality is we can’t be certain of what lies ahead.
The only thing we’re certain of is that this life is a test, that after hardship comes ease, and that together, we’re stronger in the face of these challenges. From all of us at HHUGS, we’ve been blown away by your generosity and your drive to help our families, and we’re hopeful for a year ahead, filled with contentment and fulfillment for all our supporters, our families and the ummah.
We’re excited to be heading into 2023 with plans to come together in our Winter Walks in January and February and our annual Dinner in March on the theme and importance of home.
Keep an eye out and follow our socials at @hhugscharity to keep updated with our 2023 activities and our latest work. Watch this space.