A hug is the simplest way to show affection. More than words, it allows you to connect with your loved ones on a deeper level.
When we cuddle our loved ones, our bodies release “feel good” hormones, triggering feelings of happiness, relaxation and is known to improve mood and lower levels of depression.
We may have felt deprived of hugs for the best part of 2020, making us appreciate it even more today on National Hugging Day.
Although we cannot embrace our loved ones in person, there are many other ways you can bring warmth to their hearts. You can do this by reaching out to them, arranging a video call, or even by sharing a heartfelt compliment.

Send a virtual hug
Hugging provides many benefits to people, especially children, as it aids their development. Studies have shown that it can help children grow, improve their emotional well-being and help their sensory stimulation. It can also reduce their temper tantrums!
However, not every child is able to reach out for that warm embrace. Many are separated from their fathers. Children in HHUGS households need that warmth. They too, long to be held, and comforted during these uncertain times.
Although, you may be unable to reach out to them physically, you can send them a virtual hug on National Hugging Day.
Your donations can literally wrap them up in warm clothing and embrace these families by heating their homes – all comforts we are blessed with, they crave desperately.
Give them a virtual hug by gifting them with the essentials they need this Winter.

Kids need HHUGS
On National Hugging Day, get your children involved by encouraging them to fundraise for HHUGS children.
Due to the closure of schools, children are stuck in doors, unable to see their friends. You may be looking for something to help keep them occupied. Well, look no further: we have got the perfect something to help keep them occupied, and fit at the same time.
Our virtual winter walk, Walking in Our Shoes, comes at the perfect time. As we are still allowed to exercise in the national lockdown, head to your local park, and walk together as a family. You can do it at your own pace, within your own garden or home, for however long. Just set your target, and spread it over the next 6 weeks.
We have had over 20 brave children register already for our Winter Walk, our youngest being 22 months old.
If you fancy doing something a little different, then why not get your children involved in our other challenges. Together, you can Bake it Better in your kitchen, like Fatima and her little assistants who raised £1400 from her oven, simply by baking cookies!
You could also get your children involved with our Warmer Winter Challenge. Your child can save another from sleeping rough, by raising just £3.33 a day.
To spice things up a bit and give friends and family a bigger incentive to donate, you may wish to set an additional challenge. These could involve making lifestyle changes that will help you get a better understanding of what a HHUGS family is facing this winter. Some popular options include:
• Committing to live on cold food for a week
• Committing to live without central heating for three days
• Committing to live by candle light for a week
• Camping outdoors in your garden for one night
There’s something for everyone. Choose your challenge, and get your children involved to embrace these desperate families!