Ramadhan is here and we’ve come up with an easy way for you to maximise your reward! Want to find out about this is unmissable opportunity? Keep reading!
Ramadhan is here, and the Race to Jannah has officially begun!
Muslims around the world are sacrificing sleep for prayer, food for fasting, books for Quran, and TV for study circles.
It’s hard. But we’re willing to sweat and work for the pleasure of our Lord, and so we can secure a place in Jannah.
Easy, Effortless, Ramadhan Reward
What if there was an easy way to gain reward?
One that doesn’t require you to do anything but send a few texts and tweets, and one that makes a positive difference to your local community?
HHUGS has another way.
We’re not telling you to replace the worship you’re already doing.
We’re telling you to add this easy, effortless form of worship to what you’re already doing, so you can reap the rewards without burning an ounce of energy.
The Race to Jannah is HHUGS’ annual fundraising challenge – but unlike most others, we’re not asking you to climb a mountain, jump out of a plane or cycle from one city to another.
We’re simply asking you to join forces with friends and family in order to fundraise either £100 or £1000.
All you need to do is create your fundraising page on JustGiving or MuslimGiving, then ask 10 friends to donate £10.
It’s that easy.
Since we started the Race to Jannah three years ago, we’ve raised an exceptional £224,000!
All donations go towards supporting our beneficiary families, so they can get through Ramadhan (and beyond) with the basic essentials they desperately need.
Still not convinced?
Here are 3 reasons our Race to Jannah will get you the Ramadhan reward you’re searching for.
- Get the ultimate reward: Allah’s (swt) mercy
Ramadhan is all about gaining Allah’s (swt) mercy, and the easiest way to do that is by being merciful to others.
The Prophet (saw) said, “Be merciful to others and you will receive mercy…” (Ahmad)
When you fundraise for our beneficiary families, you’re helping to provide living essentials like food, rent and heating for women and children who are living without a father and husband – much like orphans and widows.
Just £250 is enough to get a family of four through Ramadhan safely and healthily.
- Get the same reward as every person who donates
Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a similar reward.” (Muslim)
That means when someone donates to HHUGS through your fundraising page, you get exactly the same reward simply because you facilitated that good deed.
The more people that donate, the more reward you’ll get. And one of the great virtues of this month is that each reward is multiplied up to 70 times.
Is there an easier way to increase your Ramadhan reward?
- Get the reward of Allah’s (swt) protection
HHUGS is the only charity in the UK that provides practical, emotional and financial support to Muslim families that’ve been impacted by counter-terrorism legislation.
The Muslims we help have often been abandoned by their local community, friends and even family.
By the time they come to us for support, they’re often socially isolated, traumatised and severely depressed.
They rely on Muslims like you who aren’t afraid to help them in their greatest time of need.
If you’re going through difficulty and urgently need Allah’s (swt) support and protection, fundraising for our families is one way to secure that.
How do we know?
Because Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:
“Whoever removes grief from a believer from amongst the sorrows of this life, Allah will remove a grief from him amongst the sorrows of the Day of Resurrection.
Whoever brings ease to one in difficulty, Allah will make it easy for him in this life and the Hereafter.
Whoever covers a Muslim, Allah will cover him in this life and the Hereafter.
Allah is in aid of the servant so long as the servant is in aid of his brother…”
Are you ready to sign up for our Race to Jannah?
- Get the reward of your intentions
We have a generous Lord who rewards us according to our intentions, not just our actions.
The Prophet (saw) said, “Verily actions are by their intentions, and one shall only have that which one intended.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
That means even if you give yourself a fundraising target of £1000, but you don’t quite reach that, Allah (swt) will reward you as if you did.
The truth is: you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Aim high, purify your intentions, ask Allah (swt) to reward you with the highest Jannah – and then go for it!
Because Allah (swt) says, “Whoever comes to Me walking, I will come to him running.” (Muslim)
All you need to do is take that first step and sign up.
Allah (swt) will help you with the rest.
Start fundraising for our families now