Assalamualeikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu to all the Hhugs team.
This is a short message just to let you know how much we appreciate all your help and support. By Allah, only until you are in this situation do you realise how difficult it is. Each day holds a new and different struggle and emotionally and physically it can leave you scarred. It is at times like this when you really come to know who your friends are. At a time when you feel abandoned and deserted by those closest to you, I can honestly say Hhugs were always there to pick up the pieces. SubhanAllah, I have just seen the 2nd Eid since my husband was taken and a simple text to say Eid Mubarak from people you have come to know and love was rare, yet Hhugs didn't forget me or my family and the gifts and overall support we received from them was to say the least, amazing!
A beautiful statement from Imam Ali (ra) comes to mind where he stated: You know your friends in 3 situations, behind your back, in time of need and after your death. Walhamdulilah that Hhugs were there for me, and I am sure several other families in a similar predicament during our time of need.
My dear brothers and sisters from Hhugs, the best thing we can do in return is to remember you in our duas and to ask Allah (swt) to purify your intentions for His sake alone and to grant you Al-Firdaws for all your hard work. The Ummah is desperately in need of unity and support and Alhamdulillah that we have sincere individuals like yourselves out there who are trying to attain this.
From the bottom of my heart, JazakAllah Khayran for everything, may Allah (swt) grant you the all the best in this life and the next. Much appreciated.
Your Sister in Islam