The whole process of visiting a loved one in prison can take a huge toll on families physically, emotionally and financially. This strain is further accentuated when young children are involved. Imagine taking your new born baby, a toddler or restless children to a prison at the other end of the country while negotiating various trains, buses and taxis!! For many families, the journey is a nightmare.
This is why HHUGS arranges transport for these families, providing a door to door service from their homes to the prison and back. The ease, comfort and relief is obvious as the wife of a detainee testifies here:
“May Allah reward everyone at HHUGS for arranging transport for the prison visit. Alhamdulillah, if it was not for HHUGS and the volunteers who drive us, I wouldn't be able to do this especially with a new born baby. May Allah reward you all with paradise. Alhamdulillah the visit was good. My husband was so excited about seeing our son, it was really sweet, it was the first time he seen him since he's been born. Thank you all once again”. (Wife of detainee in Belmarsh Prison)
HHUGS – making a real difference to families impacted by anti-terror legislation in the UK