When Ashfaq Ahmad began to speak at the recent HHUGS Fundraising Dinner at the Novotel Hotel, the audience listended attentively, all eyes fixed on the retired civil servant. At the end of the short but profoundly emotional speech many of the eyes were moist with tears. The few words spoken by the father of Babar Ahmad (a high profile detainee awaiting extradition to the US) adequately demonstrated the importance of HHUGS to families impacted by anti-terror legislation across the country. Here is what he had to say:

“As Salam Alaykum and Good Evening- Ladies and Gentleman
In the name of Allah, the Most-Benificent, the Most-Merciful,
A lot has been said about the work HHUGS have been doing for a long time.
I would like to say from a personal perspective,how HHUGS have helped my family. My name is Ashfaq Ahmad and I am 76 years old. I live in Tooting.
My beloved son Babar Ahmad has been in prison since 2004 and is the longest serving British Citizen 'without charge'.
An innocent person, not proven guilty as yet, Babar is sharing company with murderers,rapists and paedophiles.His entire world is confined to the four walls of his cell.
The only joy in is lonely life, are those precious moments he spends with the members of his family.He looks forward eagerly to people who visit him.
As elderly parents of a young man whose youth and personality has been crushed in prison,we are grateful to HHUGS for their help.
We also appreciate the efforts of other members of the community who help us from time to time.
I will give you an example of a typical Visit Day to prison.
We get up early in the morning and get ready for the driver who arrives at 9.30.The journey to Long Lartin (near Birmingham) takes about three hours and is quite tiring. The security procedure including checking by sniffer dogs, takes about an hour. Then we go to the hall where the prisoners meet their visitors.
We embrace Babar and he kisses us on our forehead. Sometimes Babar says there is not much I can do for you except giving you a glass of water with my own hands. Then the long,endless conversation starts and before we realise,the visit is suddenly declared 'over'.
The most painful sight for us is watching Babar waving us good-bye. After collecting our stuff from the lockers,we go the Visitor Centre where the patient driver is waiting for us to take us on the long journey home.
By the time we get home around 8 o'clock in the evening, we are totally exhausted. It is an 11 hour journey of which about 6-7 hours is driving alone.
Thank you HHUGS for facilitating this precious moments with our son, whom we may never see again if extradited to America. We pray for your success”
The simple services are the ones that make the biggest difference. The relief, happiness and joy that families experience on a prison visit cannot be described more succinctly or effectively than by the words of Ashfaq Ahmad himself. Without this service, many families would beunable to visit their loved ones on a regular basis with the same ease and comfort. The practical, financial and emotional impact of this service cannot be overstated and this is why HHUGS continues to make a difference where it matters.
We thank all our donors, volunteers and supporters for bringing a little relief and happiness to the the family of Babar Ahmad and all the other families we support.
May Allah reward you all.